Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ron Mueck

Although Tokyo is one of the most becoming of cities when it comes to art and design I have been ever so slack in experiencing any of it. Not through lack of trying, but it just seems as though the moment I find out about an exhibition or an artist who interests me I’m too late. This was the case recently when I was introduced to the work of Ron Mueck, whose art I would liken to a train wreck. There’s something in you that screams don’t look yet you just can’t tear your eyes away.

Mueck is a “hyperrealist sculpture” who was born in Australia and now works in the UK. His work recreates the human form in exquisite detail but on a huge scale.

Warning, his art may not be everyone’s taste but I couldn’t help but share. His exhibition running in Tokyo finished way back in September but I think it would have been amazing to see up close and personal.

Check out more photos of his work at:


Clara Cupcakes said...

Ahh! I love Ron Mueck. i saw an exhibition of his a few years ago in Perth. I was leaning in to close to see the detail on the face of a piece that I set off the alarm!!! Oppps!