Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Hallows Eve

In little New Zealand we are much like Japan in the sense that as far as Halloween goes, although we are aware of it not many people actually go all out with the celebrations. Seeing as a lot of my friends here are Canadian or American I had no choice but to fully submerge myself in the festivities. Friday night is the usual stitch 'n' bitch gathering, but after a quick discussion amongst the girls we decided that Halloween was a good enough reason to throw in our needles for the evening and head out for a drink or two. We went into Chiba to a bar the locals like to refer to as "The Tent". I guess because it pretty much is a tent. The night didn't get too wild as I was saving myself for the real party on Saturday night.

I was a little torn when it came to deciding on a costume. Originally I had a Japanese school girl theme on the cards (as tacky as I realise that sounds) but after a few last minute um, issues with the skirt I had to look elsewhere. A quick trip to Toys R Us later, and an agonizing decision between the cellphone and the coffee milk and I was set.

I was invited by Anna to join her and some friends for a Halloween party in Ishioka. It took about an hour and a half by train followed by car ride through the country for what seemed like an eternity.

Upon arrival Anna and I got to work in the kitchen while everyone else perfected there costumes.

Because pictures speak louder than words in this case:

The next morning we were all feeling a little less than average and took some time to relax in the sun before making the long journey home. Told you it was in the country.